Vice Chancellor for Anti-Racism, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
The office of VC for ADEI is dedicated to fostering a culture of anti-racism, diversity, equity, and inclusion.
TRIO Programs
Trio programs are funded by the U.S. Department of Education to provide support services for individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds. There are three Trio programs at SIU: Student Support Services, McNair Scholars, and Project Upward Bound.

Hope Chicago
Hope Chicago scholarships remove financial barriers for CPS students and families. Hope Scholars also receive wraparound support like advising and mentoring to help them achieve their desired degree or certification. Hope Chicago is doing this with support and investment from our partner colleges and universities, non-profit organizations, and our corporate and philanthropic donors who are working to see more students and parents have debt-free post-secondary success.

Student Multicultural Resource Center
The Student Multicultural Resource Center serves as a catalyst for inclusion, diversity and innovation. It is home to the Black Resource Center, the Hispanic/Latino Resource Center, the LGBTQ Resource Center and the Women’s Resource Center.

Exploratory-Saluki Student Initiative
The Exploratory-Saluki Success Initiative Program (EXP2) is a Saluki Success Program designed to provide academic support to a select group of students who show potential for college-level work but who do not meet regular University admissions requirements. Without such an opportunity, these students would not be able to attend the University. EXP2 provides students with academic support services during their first year that are designed to assist them in meeting SIU undergraduate requirements and in progressing toward graduation. Services include mandatory academic coaching, advising, mentoring, and tutoring for students as they take college-level courses that apply to their intended degree programs. Motivated and committed students will find academic advisors and other staff members who will work with them to take them from where they are to where they want to be.