Description of Trainings Offered

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Anti-Racism/Anti-Bias Level 1

This training will provide a historical journey through systemic and institutionalized racism in our country and will provide a detailed understanding of what racism looks like in the classroom. This training then provides details on how to become a better ally and ways to challenge beliefs, stigmas and bias. This training is 2 hours, offered in-person and online and is open to staff and students. 

Allyship for the LGBTQ+ Community: How to Use Pronouns

This training will explore gender in a diverse context, including explaining the importance of proper pronoun usage. This training is meant to teach cisgender, heterosexual folks how to use pronouns in an effective and kind way – in a safe space that allows for messing up, asking questions, and generating a collaborative learning environment. This training is facilitated by LGBTQ+ folks and will be discussion based. You will learn ways to remember pronouns, practice using gender neutral pronouns such as they/them and learn tips for practicing allyship and inclusivity.

Anti-Racism/Anti-Bias Level 2 – Staff or Students

This training is meant for those who have already taken Anti-Racism/Anti-Bias Level 1 and want to learn above and beyond that curriculum. This training will be more discussion based and provide the opportunity to ask in-depth questions in order to facilitate a better understanding of what it means to practice anti-racist allyship. This training will provide specific, practical suggestions via case analysis.

Diversity & Inclusivity Level 1

This is a basic training on concepts of diversity, privilege, power, intersectionality and allyship. This training will provide information and education as well as opportunities to discuss how diversity and inclusivity apply to your context. This training is for both staff and students. 

Discussing White Privilege: What is it, what does it mean, and what should we do with it?

This training is a discussion-based training that is geared towards White students. The purpose of this training is to learn more about what White privilege is, why it’s important, and what to do with it. This training will allow folks the opportunity to ask questions and learn in a safe space. The goal is to grow in our own understanding of our privilege and to learn how to use our privilege in order to practice anti-racist allyship. Training will be available for students, faculty and staff.

Diversity & Inclusivity Level 2 - Staff

This training is meant for those that have already taken Diversity & Inclusivity Level 1 and want to learn above and beyond that curriculum. This training will focus on practical ways to practice allyship for minority communities, specifically LGBTQ+ folks, people of color, and the disabled community. This discussion-based training will provide the opportunity to ask questions and learn tangible, specific skills via case analysis. This training is for staff only. 

Ableism in Higher Education

This training will provide information about specific ways professors/instructors can practice inclusivity for their students who have disabilities. This training will provide information about practical steps professors can take to make syllabi and classroom content more inclusive, as well as provide information about resources on campus that their students can access. This training is meant to provide skills and allow instructors the opportunity to ask questions, learn about the disabled community, and acquire skills for practicing allyship. Instructors will leave with an attachment that can be added to course syllabi that gives information about campus resources for students with disabilities. 

Fatphobia: What is it, what does it mean, and how do I contribute to it?

This training will lead students and staff through a discussion where they will learn what fatphobia is and the ways in which fatphobia in inherently linked to anti-Blackness. Additionally, this training will discuss ways in which we live in a society that is inherently and systemically fatphobic and provide a discussion that will focus on how to contribute to a body-positive and size-inclusive culture.